Sunday, October 24, 2010

Could It Be

 Could It Be?

I felt your presence as soon as you entered the room
It sparked a quickening in my spirit
I didn’t see you; But I felt you & I knew you were here for me
For a moment I felt as if my soul left my body & went on a search to find you in the crowded room
I sat there, breathless awaiting its return
But when my soul returns, I still have no breath, for alone it left and alone it came back

Where Are You?
I know you’re still here. I still feel your presence
Then in an instant just when I am about to faint from loss of breath, 
I feel your hands on the small of my back as you help me to regain my balance
Butterflies increase inside of me and my body warms all over from your touch

Could it be?  Is this the moment I’ve waited for all my life?
As I spin around to meet you face to face the room spins at an even faster pace
Time seems to stand still at that very moment when I laid eyes on you
My body calms & becomes more relaxed for I can feel that 
“Yes this is finally it”
Your voice is like a sweet melody to my ears “I think you have something that belongs to me” I hear you say
But I don’t understand, 
I’ve never even seen you before how could I possibly have something that belongs to you?
“Well, you have my rib” you said, “See in the beginning of time God said you were mine;
Created for me & my helpmate to be; From the rib that He took from me, See, He created thee
& I’ve come to claim what’s mine ‘cause you complete me.”
Wow!!  Is all that I could say & once again you have taken my breath away
Too bad you’re not here to stay because as I awake from this dream, you quickly fade away….

Mz. Midnite
Pittsburgh, PA