Thursday, November 18, 2010

Please Free My -

  • Mind from the strain
The everyday pressure of living up to the standards that I have set for myself.  Not falling into the trap of the "easy" life.  Striving, no matter how hard it gets, to be better at something that needed improvement the day before.  Striking the careful balance of being a caring, fun parent but then a disciplinarian when the time calls for it.  Not letting down the very few friends that I have when they need me the most.  Knowing, but doing nothing about, some situations that are dead ass wrong but do not concern me in the least.  To let the everyday politics of the workplace roll off my back like beads of water on an oily surface.  Please free my mind from the strain.
  • Heart from the pain
Caring for those that don't seem to care for themselves.  The heart holding on to "Potential and Promise" instead of believing the "Tried and True".  Seeing the carnage and destruction come to fruition from the damned acts of the past (reaping the horrible harvest from the bad seeds that were sown).  Seeing loved ones that have given there all, struggle with everyday life and not being in a position to give them a better way to cope.  

  • Soul from the drain
This life is taking the very essence of my spirit, the things/people that make me happy is all that keeps me going.  (Thank you Angelique and Tyrone Jr.).  Watching people cheat, watching the lack of respect for another's relationship, the intentional disrespect of relationships that they themselves are in, the fact that people now marry for all reasons other than that in which it was meant for (LOVE).  Seeing people recite a book or movie, word for word, but can't tell one BOOK in the Good Book.  Really?  

  • Thoughts from the cage
Thinking that I am not fit to be a King.  That my Throne is threatened by my past actions.  I will not be seen as a leader in my own home much less my community that needs me and others like me, that have truly learned from past mistakes, more than ever.  That the words I say mean nothing to those younger than myself because I am not "Ballin" or "Makin it rain".  That I can't encourage our women and let them know that it was the women that helped me become a better man and that they can and should do the same for other men.  That it is ok to be ok.  That we are making it day to day and it is ok.  NO.  FREE MY FUKKIN MIND.

  • Body from the age
From putting in the unhealthy substances that are accelerating my own personal aging process.  From taking the "Quick fix" drugs that we are lead to believe is helping us.  From trusting Doctors that say, "There is no other option" instead of getting 2nd and 3rd opinions.  From the consumption of alcohol in a way that deteriorates our liver and other internal organs.  From the mental poison that is fed from all angles that slowly kill us from the inside out. (Kill the mind and the body will follow)

I am a King.  I am the most feared species on the face of the planet.  I am one of many that will take my rightful place.  I will not leave others behind.  While I rise, I will uplift others as well.  


August 1997/2010

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